Little solved, but sat on the criminal schemes: Shooters commented on the death of Zakharchenko

Little solved, but sat on the criminal schemes: Shooters commented on the death of Zakharchenko
© Facebook/Igor Strelkov
The war in the East
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Terrorist “Strelkov-Girkin” does not see the elimination Zakharchenko Russian track.
The former leader of terrorists “DNR” Igor Strelkov predicts an increase in the tensions in Donbas is due to killed in Donetsk Alexander Zakharchenko.
“Zakharchenko has been recovered figure and somehow had to leave. Regardless of who ordered the attack,” – said Fusiliers. However, he could not decide who would benefit from such a course of events. “I didn’t expect it to be clean so rude, that’s why I don’t know who did it. You have to understand that it is not very much that solved, and that in the confrontation in the Donbass from the elimination of his figures, little will change” – said the terrorist.
See also:
Kadyrov promised to help “DNR” after the death of Zakharchenko
In the attack on Zakharchenko Shooters primarily planned attack on the system. “The fact that he suffered Tashkent, says that it was a system shock. Because Tashkent is an iconic figure, not less important than himself Zakharchenko,” – said Fusiliers. “I do not even exclude the criminal version. Late deep, long and enthusiastically sat in different criminal schemes,” he added.
Have videopolis videos Russian media from the blasting Zakharchenko
The footage clearly shows a fully broken cafe, broken glass, doors. On the spot several fast and chrezvychainyi. It is seen that lying on a stretcher the body of a burnt man. To him no one is perfect, and doctors are nearby.
TSN. 19:30
31 Aug, 21:09
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