The situation on Donbass on Saturday, the militants made ten attacks

Losses among the Ukrainian soldiers there.

For Saturday, April 25 with the start of the day until 18:00, at the forefront in the Donbass Russian-backed rebels ten times violated the ceasefire, including using the Minsk agreements prohibited weapons. Losses among the Ukrainian military there.

“The invaders used the 120-mm mortars and 82 mm grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. Our units acted appropriately and taken the necessary measures to suppress the enemy’s firepower. Aimed fire in response to the combined forces strongly suppress all the provocation of the enemy”, – stated in the summary of the press service of the joint forces.

The fire was near the Town of Pavlopol, Shirokino, Starohnativka, Experienced, Novoaleksandrovka, Popasnaya, nut.

All three sites breeding of forces and means to fix observance of the mode “Silence”.

Cases of coronavirus infection among the personnel of the joint forces is not fixed.

“The situation in the area of operations of the combined forces remains controllable”, – assured the press service.

Evening summary of the situation in the area of operations of the combined forces as at 18.00 on 25 April 2020 #OOS…

Published Operation joint forces / Joint Forces Operation Saturday, 25 APR 2020

Friday, April 24, fighters ten times violated the ceasefire. Fired from mortars of calibers of 120 mm and 82 mm grenade launchers of various systems, heavy machine guns and small arms. According to the Ukrainian intelligence, yesterday during the defensive battles, was wounded at least one militant.

