Odessa CHP plant declared bankrupt

Odessa CHP plant declared bankrupt

© Ukrtransgaz

Rehabilitation is not saved the enterprise, but the privatization failed.

PJSC “Odessa CHPP” is bankrupt. Defined the economic court of Odessa region, who opened the liquidation procedure of the enterprise.

The decision was made based on the application managing readjustment Eugene Sakhnenko. Of the assets of the CHP are insufficient to settle its debt obligations. After satisfaction of requirements of creditors will not still amount, to be divided among the shareholders.

The procedure of liquidation of the enterprise for one year. At the beginning of 2016, the assets of the CHP was estimated at almost 329 million and debts of more than 710 million. The state property Fund of Ukraine planned to set 94,99% of the shares for privatization, but in October the head of the state property Fund Igor Bilous noted that the lack of investor interest in the company.

In early autumn, it was reported that, in General, in Ukraine registered more than three thousand public enterprises, of which about half is in the process of bankruptcy and liquidation.

