The land under Poroshenko promised a memorial to the Heavenly Hundred are still in unknown status

Three years passed from the shooting of heroes of the Heavenly hundred, and the capital still has no memorial complex of the revolution of Dignity, nor of heroes Museum. More than two thousand exhibits are gathering dust in the Museum of the Potter and are waiting for a new home, according to a story TSN.19:30.

President Petro Poroshenko promised to establish a special Fund, which will Finance the construction of the memorial near the Zhovtnevy Palace. Permission for the development of the project January 24, 2017, given by deputies of Kyiv city Council. Director, existing only on paper Museum of the revolution Igor poshyvaylo warns that all this does not mean that construction will begin there, because the legal status of the land is still not defined. “No one was hoping that in three years after the events of the state or city will not be able to find a place in order to preserve the collection and provide access to it,” he says.

