The Director of “Ukrenergo” called the cause of searches in the company and his house
In the morning of Wednesday, July 12, in a private house temporary acting Director of Ukrenergo Vsevolod Kovalchuk, the Prosecutor’s office conducted searches. At the same time, searches continued in the company.
“Once we did what the whole country began to unite power system of Ukraine with Europethat will get rid of the energy dependence on Russia, but I reported that we shot down with tender prices already more than UAH 6.7 billion (and this is the price approved in 2013-2015!), as a new wave of discrediting me personally and the work most transparent of the state enterprises. It is certainly not pass, I’m sure of the correctness of my strategy for “Ukrenergo”, I believe that the days of corruption in this company will not return and that we connect our network to the European one. And I trust my team,” wrote Kovalchuk in Facebook.
He posted the video, which says that the prosecution has not found a home he has any incriminating documents, because they do not exist.
“We cannot say that it (the searches) was very unpredictable… On the third day after my appointment as acting Director of “Ukrenergo” in the company, my house, my relatives were searched. This was accompanied by a massive media campaign through websites known location of the incriminating and untested materials for the money. Then the state office of public Prosecutor, even without conducting interrogations of people, returned all the seized documents, things, money and the like. It was a pressure typical of the style of work of Ukrainian law enforcement bodies”, – said Kovalchuk.
The official said that “over the past 20 months have witnessed a clear trend – as soon as we broke another scheme, reducing the price of the tenders (such as “transformers Grigorishin”), or began structural changes in some of these areas, immediately, a wave of the same pseudocoelomates, as in October 2015. Immediately after these publications, I went to some people and told how scary it will be soon, as I’m going to jail and the like. This happened about every 4-6 months. Here and now”.
not to say that it was very unpredictable… On the third day after my appointment, the acting Director of Ukrenergo in the company, my house, my relatives were searched. This was accompanied by a massive media campaign through websites known location of the incriminating and untested materials for the money. Then the state office of public Prosecutor, even without conducting interrogations of people, returned all the seized documents, things, money and the like. It was a pressure typical of the style of work of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies. Over the past 20 months have witnessed a clear trend – as soon as we broke another scheme, reducing the price of the tenders (such as “transformers Grigorishin”), or began structural changes in some of these areas, immediately started a wave pseudocomponents the same as in October 2015. Immediately after these publications, I went to some people and told how scary it will be soon, as I’m going to jail etc. This happened about every 4-6 months. Here and now. Once we did what the whole country began to unite power system of Ukraine with Europe that will get rid of the energy dependence on Russia, but I reported that we shot down with tender prices are more than 6.7 billion UAH. (And this is the price approved in 2013-2015!!!!), as a new wave of discrediting me personally and the work most transparent of the state enterprises. It is certainly not pass, I’m sure of the correctness of my strategy for Ukrenergo, I believe that the days of corruption in this company will not return and that we will join our network to Europe. And I trust my team. Next will be.
Posted by Vsevolod Kovalchuk 11 Jul 2017
Troch prokurorskogo surrealismo you have stroke. Vzhe visible motive siogodni #masciovecchio Vchora mi wrote about the mi…
Posted NEK”, Ukrenergo” – NPC Ukrenergo R. 2017 on July 12