Launched a free trade zone between Ukraine and Canada. What this means

Today, August 1, entered into force the agreement on free trade zone between Ukraine and Canada.
Free trade area involves the removal of trade restrictions and the abolition of trade duties on main groups of goods within the grace period of 3-7 years. In particular, immediately after the entry into force of the document to lift the duties on fish, cereals, wine, juices, baked goods and clothing, metal products, hardware and electrical engineering. Within 3-7 years will cancel the duty on certain agricultural products, construction materials, engineering products, including components for aircraft, automobiles and tractors.
The document provides an opportunity for Ukrainian and canadian companies to participate in public procurement in both countries.
“Today enters into force the free trade agreement between Ukraine and Canada. This document opens a window of tremendous opportunities for the Ukrainian business to trade, government procurement, electronic Commerce. But it is more important than just a shopping deal. This eloquent and symbolic gesture of support is a wonderful expression of the partnership that is growing between our countries, far away geographically but so close in spirit, values and aspirations. I sincerely congratulate Ukraine and Canada with a new page of our relations!”, – wrote in Facebook the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko.
We will remind, the agreement was signed July 11, 2016 during his visit to Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau. During the year the document was agreed by the parliaments of other countries vedomctva.
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine