Religious organizations have increased the consumption of gas, which they buy at discounted prices

While the whole Ukraine was saving on consumption Gaza religious organizations in the past year has increased its consumption by 12%. For religious organizations it is almost twice cheaper than for the population – 3,91858 UAH for one cubic meter against 6,9579 UAH. So just not eliminated corruption fraud.

Religious organizations receive gas at a discounted price under special obligations. Consumption increased by 2 million cubic meters to 19 million cubic meters. This is evidenced by the NJSC “Naftogaz of Ukraine”, writes “Interfax-Ukraine”.

This figure takes into account both direct consumption and consumption of gas CTV for the needs of heating and hot water supply to religious organizations.

At the same time all other consumers, excluding religious organizations, last year has reduced gas consumption (population – directly 6% of the CTV for the needs of the population – 19%, industry – 6%), or kept it unchanged (budget companies).

Remind, because of the “nedoreformy” with the special obligations of the companies “Naftogaz” for two years brought more than 110 billion UAH.


  • gas
  • religious organization

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