Ukraine wants to resume sudden business checks

Business again waiting for a possible surprise inspections. In particular, without warning you will be able to come employees of the State service for labour.

The relevant rule, the Cabinet proposes to approve the law and referred to Parliament the bill, writes “Economic truth”.

In the explanatory note to the document notes that as a result of amendments to the law “On main principles of state supervision (control) in the sphere of economic activity” dated 3 November 2016 control authorities have lost the right of free inspection of enterprises. But they were obliged to warn them in advance of the site visits and conduct inspection in the presence of company management. Legitimizing restrictions during inspections in the field of observance of the legislation on labour does not adequately and promptly to provide such rights. Therefore the rule propose to change in order to restore full state supervision, including mining, and control over observance of legislation on labor, employment, occupational safety, occupational health.

It is noted that the effectiveness of oversight Gastrula can be ensured by its suddenness, in the event of threat to health or human life to stop the execution of works, operation of hazardous equipment.

Note, 1 December 2017, President Petro Poroshenko signed the law “On amendments to some legislative acts concerning enforcement of the rights of participants of criminal proceedings and other persons by law enforcement agencies in the production of preliminary investigation,” which limits the pressure of law enforcement on business.

We will remind, a moratorium on business inspections was first announced in late 2014. He operates to this day.

  • business
  • check
  • Hotrod

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