In the Cabinet explained why the monetization of benefits and how it will be implemented

The introduction of a monetization of social benefits in Ukraine will create for the citizens the incentives to save. This was stated by economic expert, a member of the Strategic group of advisers to the Cabinet of Ministers Pavlo Kukhta, writes ZIK. “Generally speaking, if you consume less than you anticipated, and can part of their grants to in the form of live media, then you are certainly going to try to consume less. That is, it is a good […]

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“Sberbank” has introduced a fee for utilities

“Sberbank” has introduced the Commission for the payment of services of housing and communal services. About this to Ukrainian News reported the Bank press service. “The Commission for utility payments at the Bank depends on the existence of contracts between service providers and the Bank and may vary slightly depending on the region. While it is the lowest in the banking market and aims to ensure the profitability of operations. In Kiev the Commission solely for cash payments at the […]

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Danyluk said the date of consideration of the issue of the IMF tranche for Ukraine

The Board of Directors of the International monetary Fund will consider the allocation of Ukraine tranche next week. This was announced on his page in Facebook the Minister of Finance of Ukraine Oleksandr danylyuk. “The work completed through joint efforts. The issue of Ukraine will be considered by the IMF Board of Directors on 3 April,” he said. We will note, before mass media reported that in the agenda of the meetings of the Board of Directors of the International […]

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How much it costs to fill a car at a gas station. The average cost of fuel for March 30

On the Ukrainian gas stations over the last days a little expensive gasoline and diesel fuel and gas for cars is cheaper. A liter of gasoline category A-95 the average for Ukraine today, March 30, is 24,54 UAH. Depending on the gas stations, the price of this fuel varies from 22,90 UAH to UAH 27. That is, to save or to pay you to 4.1 UAH. Liter of diesel will cost drivers on average to 22.39 UAH. Gas for vehicles […]

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The dollar and the Euro will fall in price in the course of the national Bank on March 30. Infographics

The national Bank of Ukraine set the official exchange rates on Thursday, March 30. The US dollar will drop by 8 cents and will cost UAH of 27.04. The Euro will become cheaper by 39 cents and will be 29.06 m UAH. Recall that in the budget for 2017 laid down the dollar to 27.2 UAH. Throughout its history the record of hryvnia established two years ago – February 26, 2015 in NBU official exchange United States dollar amounted to […]

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