Ukrainian banks will lower interest rates on deposits in UAH, – the head of “PrivatBank”

Until the end of 2017, interest rates on deposits in Ukrainian banks will be reduced to 10-12% per annum. Such forecast the head of the largest state in Ukraine “PrivatBank” Oleksandr Shlapak, which he voiced in an interview with the “Economic truth”. “In my opinion, one of the main problems of the state is high interest rates. Even in years of very high inflation loan rate rarely dropped below 20%. We started with 20% in hryvnia Deposit portfolio. Now our […]

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“Naftogaz” has boasted about the high gas stocks in Europe, but is silent about the important nuances

In Ukrainian underground gas storage facilities after the winter was 8.2 billion cubic meters of gas. Such data as of March 5, leads to “Naftogaz of Ukraine” and boasts that these stocks are the highest among European countries “It is further proof that we were ready for the cold winter, and frost until March. Another heating season is complete without a purchase from “Gazprom” (468 days). Gas independence from Russia is confirmed,” – said in the message “Naftogaz”. However, the […]

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“Do not look for a black cat in a dark room”. Shlapak told how he was persuaded to lead the “PrivatBank”

The Chairman of the Board of “PrivatBank” Oleksandr Shlapak said that Prime Minister Vladimir Groisman managed to persuade him to lead the Bank through the coincidence of interests. He told about it in interview to “the Economic truth”. “Until the last moment I was not a participant in the negotiations. The interim administration went to the Bank on December 17. Two days later I was invited by the Prime Minister and made an offer I could not refuse. Than convinced? […]

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Canada made another step towards the ratification of the agreement on free trade with Ukraine

The Senate of Canada (Upper house of Parliament) has ratified in the second and penultimate reading the agreement on free trade zone with Ukraine, which the parties signed in July 2016. “The Senate of Canada ratified the free trade agreement with Ukraine at the second reading. Voted “for” the 102 senators with the 105. Canada remained the final vote (third reading) the Senate and signing by the Governor General. Ukraine is preparing to ratify the agreement in the near future. […]

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The Minister of Finance receives monthly from 50 to 110 thousand hryvnias of a salary

The salary of the Minister of Finance Alexander danyluk for February amounted to 65 thousand 848 UAH. Of this money for 16 thousand UAH – a salary and allowance for the intensity of labor, 2976 grn – allowance for years of service, 1781 UAH – payment allocation for a day trip in January, another 29 thousand UAH 90 award. Write about this “Ukrainian news” with reference to the response to the request from the Ministry of Finance. In January danyluk […]

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