People’s “pilgrimage” Museum news continues to break attendance records

The Newseum has become a new place of “pilgrimage” of the people of Kiev and guests of the capital. People are lining up to see the artifacts of the modern history of their country, as well as “kitchen” the most popular Ukrainian news, said in the story TSN.19:30. Among the visitors you can meet people from all regions of Ukraine. They share emotions: the joy of high-quality exhibitions and the wonder of exploring the process of “making” news for television. […]

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A little-known Shrine close to: in Kiev, are three of the eight most ancient icons in the world

In Kiev kept three of the eight most ancient icons of the world, which got into Ukraine by monks of the Kiev-Pechersk monastery from the monastery of St. Catherine on mount Sinai. It is in this remote monastery during the iconoclasm took to rescue the images with the whole of the then Byzantine Empire, says the story TSN.19:30. The current building of the NBU at the Kontraktova square in Kiev before the revolution was a representation of this Sinai monastery. […]

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In Kiev, unidentified persons destroyed the popular cable car crossing over the Dnieper

In the capital demolished popular among the citizens of the crossing of the Dnieper. It happened early Saturday morning, according to a story TSN.19:30. From the trolley that was carrying people from the Right Bank on Trukhanov island, leaving only severed the ropes on the sand and it’s a broken design. Guarding the property of only one guard, who was helpless in the face of unknown people in black clothes who came in at 4:00 am and called workers of […]

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The most popular places on the second day of the Museum began TSN virtual Studio

Virtual Studio TSN has become the most popular place of the Museum news on the second day of his work at the Art Arsenal. From the exhibition live out two daily news on 1+1, according to a story TSN.19:30. As told by leading one of them Solomiya Vitvitskaya, especially people liked to see the “kitchen” making news: a virtual background, the work of the prompter, and the like. In front of the cameras, visitors danced and sang.

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Second day of Museum news: the recognition Golodnitsky and the reverse side of the work of broadcasters TSN

The second day of work of the Museum news at the Arsenal was designated the same influx of visitors as the first, when the exhibition of artifacts of the modern history of Ukraine was a full house. Experts say that such a crowded opening event in these walls have not seen, says the story TSN.19:30. On Thursday, more than four thousand people in one night, we walked through the ten exhibition halls. Friday only increased the number of visitors, because […]

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