Student pozarevacka: what salaries are paid and how to combine work with study

Student pozarevacka: what salaries are paid and how to combine work with study
Almost 70% of Ukrainian students have podzarabotat.
In the fall of Ukrainian students has become easier to find a job. A few months ago on one vacancy claimed just five or six people. Now is two or maximum three people per site. It is therefore not surprising that about 70% of Ukrainian students are now working.
But how much you earn and what work is done, according to a story program “snidanok z “1+1”.
Spending on education, housing, food and clothing to live to 800 UAH scholarships is extremely difficult. Therefore, students are forced to go to work and to combine work with study. However, the consequence of this is chronic fatigue, a delay of a couple and a failed session.
“In the first years of training, they get some basic knowledge, skills in their field, so you should start working with third or fourth year,” advises teacher of National technical University “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute named after Igor Sikorsky” Olivia Husak.
But what makes Ukrainian students from the first days of school to go to work? For example, education in the U.S. costs on the average 35 thousand dollars per year. But there the students acquire work experience, can independently to pay for it. In Ukraine, the cost of education at the hospital varies mostly in the range of 20-25 thousand hryvnia per year. And, to cover it, Ukrainian students have to work on several jobs because pay little.
“In the regions is 3-4 thousand hryvnia, for the capital – 5-6 thousand hryvnia. If we are talking about a disposable or flexible hours, the job can be paid hourly. For example, for the distribution of flyers you can get from 20 to 50 UAH per hour,” – says the analyst of the HR portal Catherine Mashchenko.
See also: Kiev began almost seven times less likely to leave their jobs on their own. Infographics
The third-year student of the Kiev Polytechnic University Anna at the hospital develops a complex specialty – economic Cybernetics. In addition, also works two jobs. However, not a degree. She is advertising in the Metropolitan employment Agency and a private Israeli firm. After the vapor girl immediately rushes to the office.
“I’m going to work at 15:00, without delay. Work there until 19:30. Somewhere at nine in the evening come home and start processing requests in the second work,” tells about the everyday life Anna.
And so from Monday to Friday. Anna is spinning like a squirrel in a wheel. In my 20 years she aims to be self-sufficient.
“Because I want to be independent and to help my family,” says Anna.
Student two jobs earns 8 thousand UAH. The money it will spend on education, which annually costs about 15 and a half thousand hryvnia. And after graduation, she plans to change current work on Cybernetics favorite. But she still need to learn.
Expert employment Pashkina Tatyana has told, that now on the market – about 13 thousand offers a variety of jobs can get the students. She advises students to first apply for part-time or remote work. This will facilitate the combination of work and study. And in any case not to throw the school, because a diploma is a kind of indicator that the student reached the goal and did not give up learning halfway. And this trait is important for employers to take for work of the employee who will be efficiently and fully performing the tasks.
Work for students: expert advice on employment
Snidanok 1+1
October 5, 10:36
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In the fall of Ukrainian students has become easier to find a job. A few months ago on one vacancy claimed from 5-6 people. Now is two, maximum three people per site. It is not surprising that about 70% of Ukrainian students are now working. Expert employment Tatyana Pashkina told, how open the job market for students, what salary to offer employers and how, however, to combine work and training with minimal losses.