Japanese comedian, undermined the Network of the song “Pen Pen Pineapple Apple”, sang a new hit

Japanese comedian, undermined the Network of the song “Pen Pen Pineapple Apple”, sang a new hit
© Piko-Taro
In the frame there is nothing that would detract the viewer from funny dancing Japanese.
Japanese DJ and comedian Pico Tarot, which won the network clip “Pen Pineapple Apple Pen” made new video.
The new product is called “Neo Sunglasses”. This time the Japanese man sings about sunglasses in his trademark suit with the leopard scarf.
As in the first video, in the frame there is nothing that would detract the viewer from funny dancing Japanese comic dancing on a white background, except that his dancing is now more fiery and energetic.
The day the video posted on the page of the DJ in Facebook, has already gathered 2 million views.
The first viral video, see below.