Slaves from children’s boarding schools and beating up prostitutes. Journalists have told about the horrors of the sex industry

Slaves from children’s boarding schools and beating up prostitutes. Journalists have told about the horrors of the sex industry
Orphan girl sexual activity begins very early – at the age of 12, and boys even earlier.
Tens of thousands of sex tourists test the fortitude of the Ukrainian girls. Crisis and unemployment are pushing more and more Ukrainians to seek happiness in a deep pocket of European tourists.
Who turns Ukraine into the main brothel of Europe, tells the story of “Pennies“.
See also: Melitopol exposed the brothel where “stejarului” prostitutes to work abroad
Services Ukrainian escort agencies are no longer limited to just sex: a girl will meet you at the airport and accompany you to business meetings and even sit with your child if the need arises.
Foreigners are asked to choose the girls, like cattle, from the photos in all positions and – as in the online store. 300 euros for two hours, humiliating sexysweden for an extra charge of 50 euros. Rate – at least for the sex, at least for the chatter is the same.
To each questionnaire attached medical certificate. It is noteworthy that if you go from English on the Russian version of the website, the price decreases.
In addition, in the heart of the capital, dozens of elite brothels for foreigners. Only on the Khreshchatyk there are at least eight.
One of the workers from the sphere of escort services said that foreigners who feel richer in Ukraine, often spreading arms, and the protection of the girls always manages to save them from beatings or rape.
But the former administrator of the elite brothel for foreigners Gulnara, who’s only 24 years, said that among the girls working in the sex industry, there are and postgraduate students, the majority speak foreign languages, some from wealthy families.
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Reporters found that the most expensive city in terms of sexysweden was not the capital, and Odessa. The cheapest city – Kharkiv. The girl, speaking foreign languages and ready for adventure, here you can find only 60 euros per hour. While Kiev and Lvov starting from one hundred euros.
One of the workers said that sexual services have minor children, foreigners really appreciate it.
“The boy prostitutes have worked and 15-year-old, but believe me, they came to us, passed Crimea and Rome. Not a man at 40 was the experience that they have in their 14-15,” said the woman.
For a month the guy could get over 50 thousand hryvnia.
Also in brothels are children from orphanages. The management agreed with the Directors of schools, night students by minibus imported to replace.
Boarding school girls sexual life starts very early – at the age of 12, and boys even earlier.
Five thousand euros ready to pay for virgin child.
The adventures of sex-tourists: who turns Ukraine into the main brothel of Europe
Yesterday, 09:23
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In search of pleasures massively foreigners traveling to Ukraine to actually for a penny to enjoy the company of Ukrainian women. The journalists of “Pennies” was able to learn shocking details about the escort agencies and the organized “tours”, and also about how to recruit girls for this kind of work. In addition, you will hear the incredible story of a girl who barely escaped from this business.