Details of the murder “Motorola” and “humanitarian pause” in Syria. Five things you might oversleep

Details of the murder “Motorola” and “humanitarian pause” in Syria. Five things you might oversleep
© Elena Pavlova Vkontakte offers five main events of the night.
Five things you could have slept:
1. In a Network there was video from the scene of the death of action Arsene Pavlov, nicknamed “Motorola” and his bodyguard. The footage shows that the explosion destroyed the Elevator in the house where lived “Motorola”. The gunman and his guard was pulled out from the bottom of the Elevator shaft, their bodies were badly disfigured by the explosion. Read more→
See also: Abkhazian bomber was subordinate to the “Motorola” – Caucasus Times
2. The composition of explosives and the construction of the bomb, which was killed one of leaders of fighters of “DNR” Arseny Pavlov, nicknamed “Motorola”, similar to what was found during an assassination attempt on the head of the militants “DNR” Alexander Zakharchenko in April 2016. Say, to such conclusion experts of the forensic “center MIA” came on the basis of the study of fragments discovered at the scene of an explosive device. Read more→
See also: Mother killed “Motorola” Ukrainian soldier commented on the death of a terrorist
3. “Humanitarian pause” will start to operate in Syrian Aleppo on the morning of 20 October to give the opportunity to get out of the city as militants and civilians. This was stated by the chief of the main operations Directorate of the General staff Lieutenant-General Sergey Rudskoy. On October 20 from 8 am to 16 PM in the district of Aleppo will be introduced “humanitarian pause”, during which Russian aerospace forces and Syrian government troops to stop attacking. Read more→
4. In Ankara, possible terrorist attacks during 17 October – 30 November 2016, so it is prohibited to hold rallies, demonstrations, meetings in the squares, streets, in parks and in enclosed spaces. The Embassy of Ukraine in Turkey recommends that the citizens who reside temporarily located in the province of Ankara or plan a visit to the capital of Turkey, to refrain from visiting without the need for the city centre and public places, a long stay in the airport, at stations, at stops of public transport such as, metro, near police stations and posts, public authorities and local self-government. Read more→
5. Convicted in Russia Ukrainian Stanislav Klyh, who is on trial in Grozny for insulting the Prosecutor, suddenly abandoned the lawyer Marina Dubrovina. Klyh said in court Monday that he had received “twenty years for nothing for the poor as a lawyer” and said “he wants in his defenders of singer Stas Mikhailov”. Read more→
Who killed the leader of the Donetsk militants “Motorola”
TSN. Pdsmi day
Yesterday, 23:49
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Versions are still different. Fatal for a terrorist explosion in the Elevator and connects with the sweep style of the FSB, and with internal strife between the Donbass and the groups. In addition, there was a video message supposedly from the far-right organization “Mizantropik division” which is responsible for the elimination of “Motorola”