TSN talked to the teacher, which is portrayed on the mural in front of the town

TSN talked to the teacher, which is portrayed on the mural in front of the town

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The woman in the image did not recognize.

In Avdeyevka on the broken fighters building an Australian artist painted the face of war. Symbolizes his portrait of local teacher Marchenko Maryna Grigorievna. How the locals reacted to street art, learned by TSN correspondent Natalia Nagornaya.

Mural the size of four floors, painted two days. This is the work of Australian artist Guido van Helten. He wanted to make war on war. The image was looking by the photos of prominent people of the city, provided the city authorities. Stopped their choice on the teacher of the Ukrainian language. Chose the house, part of which is uninhabitable, and her eyes directed towards the occupier.

Myself on the broken portrait of Marina G. in fact and not too much.

“I learned I look so old as a centenarian oak. And in fact, I’m 72,” – says the teacher.

An Australian artist created a mural in the town with a portrait of local teacher

16 Oct, 08:53

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  • © facebook.com/Geo Leros

That portrait painted on the house in the town called “crayons”, she told the students. Chose her as the best teacher of the Ukrainian language in the city. Marina G. shy – in itself nothing unusual sees.

“I’m a teacher, I’m famous,” replied the woman.

The local the image has caused a lot of questions. Even without seeing the portrait, selecting the artist realized not everything, and seeing – I do not understand why it is on this “scary” building. Avdiivka passers-by the art on the wall is perceived as an extra reason to fight.

Elena Rohatyn Marina G. was the homeroom teacher, so in the weary face of the teacher thanks the girl notices the sadness. The Ukrainian military on the contrary – even here I see optimism. Current students of Marina Grigorievna no matter what they say angry adults.

“The best teacher in the school, she is still my grandmother taught,” say the students.

The woman’s face who have seen war: the Austrian artist created the mural in a ruined building Avdeevka

TSN. Wounds
Today, 12:42

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A simple teacher now watching a broken Donbass from the broken house next to the inscription: “God save the plant”. Portrait Marchenko Maryna Grigorievna – a mural the size of four floors, painted two days. This is the work of Australian artist Guido van Helten. He wanted to make war on war. The image was looking by the photos of prominent people of the city, provided the city authorities. Stopped their choice on the teacher of the Ukrainian language.

Itself the teacher worries about the other – close to home where now she is looking at the war in the fall of 2014, nearly killed her husband. Then he was taken to the hospital Mechnikov and saved. The truth is now 79-year-old man treated again in the river, broke her hip. A portrait of his lover has never seen. They lived together for half a century. Marina G. waits for the return of her Victor D., they will again sing about love.

About the best examples of the Metropolitan streetart learn in the special TSN.ia: Urbanism in Kiev. The most vivid murals of the capital

