Medvedchuk has found a way to circumvent the ban on direct air links with Russia – media

Medvedchuk has found a way to circumvent the ban on direct air links with Russia – media
The plane on which Medvedchuk flies to Moscow.© the website of Radio Liberty
His plane is the only one that crosses the Ukrainian-Russian border without stopping on the territory of a third country.
Private aircraft “Falcon 900”, who is the godfather of Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine’s representative to the Humanities subgroup of the Minsk talks on Viktor Medvedchuk, regularly flies between Kyiv and Moscow directly.
This is stated in the investigation of the program “Schemes”, a joint project of Radio Liberty and “UA:First.”
Journalists recorded how the plane Medvedchuk flew in from Moscow on 14 November, the day before the protests in Kiev. “Falcon 900” crossed the border with the Bryansk region of the Russian Federation. Got off the plane, Viktor Medvedchuk and the motorcade left the airport.
The last time the plane crossed the Russian-Ukrainian border, on 23 October 2016. “Falcon 900” appeared on playtrade near the town of Anapa (Russian Federation), flew over the East of Ukraine and again in Bryansk oblast crossed the border. Half an hour later the plane was at the airport “Kiev”, he produced, Viktor Medvedchuk and his wife Oksana Marchenko.
After 4 days Medvedchuk attended the meeting of the international discussion club “Valdai” in Sochi. Speech of his godfather Putin, he listened in the front row.
See photos: the godfather Putin Medvedchuk at the forum in Sochi partied in the company Peskov
Another fact of direct flights between Kiev and Moscow private aircraft “Falcon 900” journalists “Schemes” recorded in September 2016.
It should be noted that on 25 October 2015, the State aviation service of Ukraine adopted a decision on the full termination of air communication between Ukraine and the Russian Federation. Since all aircraft, including private, sent from Kiev to Moscow or in the opposite direction must stop on the territory of other countries, usually in Belarus. The only exception was made when from Russian captivity was freed by the people’s Deputy Nadezhda Savchenko.
Thus, the plane of the Medvedchuk – the only thing that crosses the Ukrainian-Russian border directly. Four months of observations of the crew of the “Schemes” did not record any other aircraft that have flown direct flights from Ukraine to the Russian Federation or in the opposite direction.
See also: Parubiy gave the GPU a materials about the involvement of Medvedchuk to the war in the Donbass
The State aviation service of Ukraine said that the complete termination of air communication between Kiev and Moscow remains unchanged. The Minister of infrastructure Vladimir Omelian said that the ban applies to the aircraft of the Ukrainian or Russian registration, or if there is a certificate of the operator in Russia or in Ukraine.
“Theoretically, the aircraft of another is subject to the consent of the Russian and Ukrainian authorities to carry out flights between the two countries. In fact, in 99 percent of cases, these flights are not permitted, so the communication goes via Minsk or other States,” he explained.
But the plane Medvedchuk has registered on the island of Aruba in the Caribbean island.
See also: GPU wants to call Medvedchuk for questioning
“Restrictions on flights of foreign aircraft with foreign registration the territory of Ukraine”, – said the head of Ministry of transport Alexander Belchuk.
Press-service of public movement “the Ukrainian choice – the Right of the people”, which is headed by Viktor Medvedchuk, said his visits to Russia have official character during these visits, he discusses with the country’s leadership the question of the liberation of the Ukrainian prisoners.
“One of the rounds of such talks was held on 14 November 2016 during his visit to Moscow. Given the business and humanitarian nature of the trips, aimed at the implementation of Ukraine’s interests, such authorization for travel is provided by the competent authorities for the control of aircraft movement from the Russian and Ukrainian sides,” – said the press service of “Ukrainian choice”.
See also: Hrytsak spoke about the aid Medvedchuk in the process of exchange and validation to the separatism of its movement
Later in the social movement added that “in the case of informational provocations against the negotiations for the release of Ukrainian citizens, Viktor Medvedchuk reserves the right to inform both the General public and the relatives of detained persons that appeal to us for help, who bears personal responsibility for the failure of the negotiation process.”
GPU opened criminal proceedings, which includes the name of Viktor Medvedchuk
TSN. Wounds
28 APR, 08:32
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This was announced by the Prosecutor of GPU Vladislav Kutsenko. For the treatment of MPs Pechersk court ordered the Prosecutor General to bring a case in the unified register of pre-judicial investigations. SBU has already started the investigation of the crimes committed by Viktor Medvedchuk.