MP Sobolev accused the authorities of using “titushek” during the recent protests in Kiev

MP Sobolev accused the authorities of using “titushek” during the recent protests in Kiev
© facebook/Dmitry gnap
Guys in tracksuits appeared in Kiev on November 15.
Deputy head of the faction “Batkivshchyna” in the Verkhovna Rada Serhiy Sobolev said that “titushki”, which appeared in Mariinsky Park during the protests in Central Kiev November 15, was sent by the government.
“If “aunts” go through the city center, with nice bearing, same uniforms, even with the white Chevron. Why are they not arrested a single?”, Sobolev said on a talk show, “the Right to Vlad”.
“Always “aunts” were from the government. It was during the Orange revolution, and at the time of the Maidan, which was organized by Yanukovych,” – he added.
See also: In the “Fatherland” told under what conditions will start “tariff Maidan”
We will remind, on November 15 under the buildings of the NBU and the government have held protests. At a rally in the city center were mainly pensioners and young people. On the question of the purpose of the campaign reacted aggressively, and some never knew why they came. Mostly people said, they want to return the money, but did not call the Bank, which allegedly had the Deposit. Also part said that demanding the resignation of the head of the NBU Valeria Gontareva.
17 November was to be held a large-scale meeting under walls of the Verkhovna Radaorganized by the Federation of trade unions of Ukraine, but it was postponed for December. The purpose of their protest is the payment of higher prices for natural gas, tariffs for housing and communal services and improvement of living standards of workers.
The Ukrainian authorities began to say that the massive anti-government protests is one of pontov “plan Rod” to destabilize the situation in Ukraine, which allegedly found hackers in emails the Putin aide Vladislav Surkov.
“Aunts” in Mariinsky Park, under Yanukovich, sent a power – Sobolev
17 Nov, 23:55
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The people’s Deputy from the Batkivshchyna Serhiy Sobolev angered the crowd organized by the “aunts” with stripes on the sleeves, which were present during the recent rallies in the center of Kiev. Nardep is sure that it was sent by the power of disguised fighters.