The interior Ministry warned of an increased terrorist threat level on the anniversary of the revolution of Dignity

The interior Ministry warned of an increased terrorist threat level on the anniversary of the revolution of Dignity
In places the celebration will be equipped with metal detectors, and the traffic limit.
In the period of celebrating the third anniversary of the revolution of Dignity on 21-22 November in Kyiv remains an increased level of terrorist threat.
About this Facebook said Advisor to the Minister of internal Affairs of the Zoryan Shkiriak.
According to him, according to operational information, “the Russian security services and internal anti-state, destructive forces leave no intention of the implementation of provocations” during the festival.
“It is not excluded that implementation of the provocative actions can be used Patriotic rhetoric and slogans,” – said Shkiryak.
See also: New army, and the approach bezveza: Poroshenko summarized the results of three years after the revolution of Dignity
Adviser to the Minister said that law enforcement officers are ready for any challenge. To the protection of public order in Kiev will be attracted 6,000 militiamen, and on the territory of Ukraine about 15,000. Created operational reserve of the Ministry of interior, which will be held in case of emergencies.
November 21 at the venue and mass gathering will be a framework with metal detectors, squads of policemen with metal detectors will work the handlers and operatives to civilian. In addition, traffic in the capital will be limited.
Law enforcement officers will be in the enhanced service until November 24-25, Shkiryak noted.
Recall, 21 November celebrated the third anniversary of the revolution of Dignity. Therefore, in Kiev and other settlements of Ukraine will be held memorial, ceremonial, and cultural-artistic events with the participation of representatives from government, public and youth associations and the clergy.
The international criminal court has submitted evidence of a systematic suppression of the revolution of dignity
TSN. Pdsmi day
6 Oct, 00:37
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The lawyers of families of Heaven hundred was transferred to the international criminal court is evidence of a systematic and splenomegaly attempt to quell the revolution of dignity in winter 2013-2014. This letter a hundred pages in the English language lawyers today sent to the Hague. The case of Euromaidan, the annexation of the Crimea and the war in the East is at a preliminary examination in the Hague, its term is unlimited.