On the Maidan security forces were taken from the people tires, but activists have managed to ignite media

On the Maidan security forces were taken from the people tires, but activists have managed to ignite media
Illustration© UNIAN
Supposedly taken even Packed tires.
Activists of nationalist organizations complain that the security forces were taken from the people of tyre which those tried carried on Independence square.
It is reported by Gromadske TV.
Security forces is motivated by the possibility of escalation of the conflict. There were cries of “shame!”. Law enforcement officers block the entrance to the European area.
On the Maidan passes the chamber.
Activists claim that the tires they tried to carry on as a character. This was stated by the speaker “Right sector” Alexey Bull.
Part of the tires still managed to carry and set fire to them under a stele.
Near the metal detectors, the security forces not actually on duty.
See photos: Tears at the Heavenly hundred’s alley and the March Azovtsev. In Kiev mark the anniversary of the revolution of dignity
As previously reported, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko promised that in honor of Euromaidan activists in Kiev will house the Museum of the revolution of dignity. The memorial and Museum should be set on the alley of Heroes Heavenly hundreds in Kiev center.
In Lviv, priests of different denominations, organized a prayer Maidan
TSN. 16:45
Today, 17:32
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To honor the heroes began to Lychakiv cemetery, where are buried the four euromagazine: Migdalovitz, Ilkiv, Boyko, Verbitsky. To their graves and laid flowers and held a service. In General, the region was lost on the Maidan is 22 character. At the monument to Shevchenko organized a prayer Maidan, also there will take place the action “Ukraine – Europe”.