Journalists uncovered a corruption scheme of the Metropolitan customs to tens of millions of hryvnia

Journalists uncovered a corruption scheme of the Metropolitan customs to tens of millions of hryvnia
© Groshi
The cost of goods deliberately understated for the sake of profit.
Journalists of the program “Groshi” exposed family corruption scheme of the Kiev customs officer Sergey Topolskogo, for which the budget loses tens of millions of hryvnia.
At the largest customs post “Capital”, which is headed by Tupalski daily clearing hundreds of multi-ton trucks. Goods from all over the world here execute brokerage houses – intermediaries between the suppliers and buyers. One of the most successful of the enterprises – “Triumph-SV” – this year alone has issued nearly 5 thousand loads. Interestingly, the letters in the name similar to the initials of the head of the customs office Topolskogo. The company “Triumph-SV” the brother of the Metropolitan of customs officer Alexander. At the same time, another founder and Director is also the brother of the chief of customs, the true cousins – Alexey Sapogov.
See also: Lviv customs officers “krysheval” illegal importation of more than ten thousand cars with foreign number
Firm located just a few metres from the post “Capital”. As “Groshi” learned in tax, a flurry of activity on this post “Triumph-SV” began in August of 2015, the year – precisely when “Metropolitan” came a new leader Tupalski. The official on camera said that is business.
“I have no business. Personally, I have no”, – said the customs officer.
Three years ago Sergey Topolsky, then Lieutenant-Colonel of the SBU with years of experience in the fight against smuggling, after his dismissal from the security services began their triumphal career customs.
“Triumphant” career simple customs: customs Groshi expose the Scam
Today, 09:39
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At the time of Yanukovych custom called the main breadwinner in power. Three years ago, the customs rules of the ball to corrupt the young genius Sergei Kurchenko, who is millions of tons of imported petroleum products, and billions of hryvnia were stealing money from the budget for Yanukovych. It would seem that after the revolution, the situation should change dramatically. But at customs, the same predatory laws, and the criminal authorities. Billions stolen and taken in an unknown direction. “Groshi” conducted a controversial investigation and found out how to capitalize on the Ukrainians.
That’s when he headed a customs post “Svyatoshyn” in the beginning of 2015, the company “Triumph-SV” the beginning of active brokering. For 8 months of firm of the brother of the chief of customs draws on “Svyatoshino” hundreds of tons of imported goods. Experts say that the cost was intentionally and significantly reduced, which lost tens of millions.
See also: Customs officer earn per shift to 15 thousand to pass cars with foreign numbers
“Groshi” was able to look into the tax registers. Analyzing customers “Triumph-SV” reporters noticed that the company “Talbot” and “Tricker” tens designed the services for the carriage of goods, and usually in the same day. Both offices, as it turned out, was in the same building in Kiev, and work in them for one or two people. All fictitious confirmed by a specialist.
“This one-day firms created specifically for the customs of export and import operations, which month has worked, they are closed, documents are released. Open a new. All” – said the former customs officer Vladimir Orlov.
In August 2015, when Tupalski moved to the post “Capital”, moved “Triumph ST”, and its main customer becomes firm-the phantom of Odessa – “ASTP”. In the past year ASTP using a family “the victors,” draws more than a thousand of goods.
It is also significant that among the suppliers of almost any manufacturer, all intermediaries: it is just another symptom of dirty schemes. For example, the plumbing from Turkey and Europe to Ukraine carries the firm from Panama – “Balteks capital”. In the official registry of Panama stated that its Director – Javier Rivera Fernandez. At the same time he is the nominal owner or Manager of almost five dozen similar firms.
With the smugglers must fight by customs, however in case of Triumph it’s like don’t care. That is why “Balteks capital,” and similar offices, mainly in the Czech Momant a.s. and UKRPROM-servis, linked, and today freely imported using the “Triumph” of thousands of tons of cargo. Acrylic bathtubs, boilers, sinks, bidets, toilets, showers, faucets and other sanitary ware.
See photos: Sumy customs “krysheval” illegal import in millions of hryvnias
Scam just Grand. In December of 2015 Triumph designed for ASTP load gas boilers. On the same day of ASTP sold, and actually just extended boilers at OOO “Evro-TREJJD LTD” – 12 thousand hryvnias apiece. In stores are selling for 20 thousand.
Sinks are imported and immediately resell at UAH 475, and the network they fall at 6500. And such examples, the reporters found many. Sometimes the real customs value reduce even five times. Business is booming: in 2016, the firm “Triumf-SV” Topolskogo issued nearly 5 thousand loads. Tens of millions hryvnias of illegal incomes. And tens of millions hryvnias of losses for the poor budget of the country.
On how built the arc de scheme, said the customs officer with experience.
“Customs have a Central database, which clearly States the price of such or similar goods. The officer is looking, what is the level of these goods and, if the company has not provided certain documents to confirm the customs value, it needs to adjust the customs value. If it is not adjusted for any reason, he may close his eyes,” – said Orlov.
The scheme undervalued the state budget loses hundreds of millions, but thrive customs officers themselves, which allow you to declare the goods at a lower price.
Tupalski lives in a luxury building, at the same time, according to the Declaration, lives on a salary of about 6,5 thousand hryvnias. On camera, he says that the apartment of his wife. It is written and the house Tupalski in Kryukivshchyna near Kiev.
Tupalski confirmed that he has a brother Alexander, but assured that he is engaged in business unrelated to custom.
“There are no firms, no firms, it does not appear that any business with foreign trade activities it is not connected. And I do too. I’m a public servant”, – said the capital’s customs.
Recall, 28 September 2016, the Prosecutor’s office of Kiev region together with employees of UVB GU DFS in the Kiev region exposed group of racketeers the customs officials, who organized the scheme of extortion for unhindered clearance of goods due to such illegal actions of their monthly earnings amounted to about 100 thousand U.S. dollars.
One of the leaders of the Kiev regional customs was taken into custody with a possibility of bail in the amount of 2 million UAH. The official took part in a criminal scheme of extortion of illegal benefit for the unimpeded customs clearance of goods.