Belous convinced about the queue wanting to privatize hydroelectric plants and power companies

Belous convinced about the queue wanting to privatize hydroelectric plants and power companies
The Chairman of the state property Fund Igor Belous© UNIAN
Buy hydroelectric power plant in nikolayevshchina wanted 16 investors.
The Chairman of the state property Fund of Ukraine Igor Bilous argues that investors are lining up to buy the state share in the enterprises. In particular, cites the example of privatization Miheevsky of hydroelectric power in nikolayevshchina that wanted 16 investors.
“A good example of privatization, which begins to bear fruit after we implemented the changes. We are now at the stage of active sales of small privatisation, or rather objects. We had a good auction Miheevsky of hydroelectric power. Was actually record – holding over 10 million UAH, have been able to achieve rates at 52.5 million UAH for this object. There was a big competition, 16 investors competed for it,” said Bilous in the air “5 channel”.
This plant has acquired the domestic investor, OOO “MZ”. Today should hold a similar auction for the privatization of the Constantine hydroelectric plant in Mykolayiv (starting price of 13.76 million UAH), next week is another sale.
At the same time, foreign investors interested in privatization of power companies.
“After the conference we held at the end of June, we have a long queue of investors. 99% of them are foreigners. And not foreigners from Cyprus and the real aliens, serious people with the support of the embassies”, – said Bilous.
He also argues that the privatization of Odessa portside plant is also actively interested investors. The sale is scheduled for December 14.
“Now the dialogue is conducted with 6-7 participants, some sitting in the trenches, some of the latest decision, some will refuse, it’s not the process that we can predict,” – said the head of the state property Fund.
Recall that the value of the sale of the Odessa port plant was reduced in 2,5 times.