The odious Lucas won the case at the Prosecutor General’s office

The odious Lucas won the case at the Prosecutor General’s office
The court recognized the false information spread by the Prosecutor of the GPU in relation to the ex-Minister.
24 Nov Pechersk district court of Kyiv has satisfied a lawsuit of the former Minister of justice Elena Lukash , the General Prosecutor of Ukraine.
She announced this on his page in Facebook.
The court found false and such that demeans the honor, dignity and business reputation, information was disseminated by the Prosecutor of GPU Vladislav Kutsenko in the day of his arrest, Lucas 5 November 2015.
During a briefing after the arrest of former Minister Kutsenko said: “In September 2015, we turned to Interpol regarding the announcement of Lukas on the international wanted list, but today it so happened that she returned to Ukraine”.
See also: Lutsenko warned Lukash, to rejoice: her case will be resumed
The court found the petition false and ordered the GPU and Kutsenko deny it within 10 days from the date the decision enters into force. Also they are required to place the operative part of the judgment: the Prosecutor General’s office on their official website, and Vladislav Kutsenko on his page in Facebook.
facebook/Elena Lukash
Recall, November 5, 2015 , the SBU detained the former Minister of justice Elena Lukash. It is considered one of the confidants of fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych and had been for some time in the midst of scandals. In addition, she was one of the first who supported the dispersal and beating of participants of Revolution of Dignity.
Also Lucas is one of the initiator of the adoption of “dictatorial laws 16 January”. And during the mass executions of activists in the center of Kiev tried to find even a legislative rationale.
During the regime of Yanukovych, Lucas was a people’s Deputy from Party of regions, the Minister of the Cabinet of Ministers in Azarov’s government, Advisor to the President. For the post of Minister of justice Elena Lukash was appointed in July 2013.
Wanted, which the SBU announced on 10 September, the former Minister of justice was for her involvement in the crimes against the Maidan. Then the data about the search were published on the website of the Ministry of internal Affairs in the section “people hiding from bodies of Prosecutor’s office”.
The investigation of Lukas GPU is from may 2014, according to which she, working as the Minister of justice, acting in collusion with officials of LLC “European legal group” and physical persons-entrepreneurs during August 2013 – January 2014 took and of state funds in the amount of 2,523 million.
Later it became known that Lucas disappeared on 28 July 2015, and that the court has the decision on his detention with the aim of reason. In August 2015, the Pechersky district court of Kiev arrested three apartmentsthat belong to Lukas. The suspicion in Commission of crimes, according to the PGO, was announced on 28 may 2015.
6 Nov Pechersky court of Kiev arrested Olena Lukash for 2 months with the option to bail. As you know, bail for the former Minister made people’s Deputy Vadym Novinsky.
In March 2016 the General Prosecutor’s office suspended the investigation in criminal proceedings against Lucas.
The court rejected the appeal of the GPU in the case of Lucas
TSN. 19:30
15 Jan, 19:58
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The Minister of justice of times of Yanukovych Olena Lukash free as a bird. The court of appeal of Kiev refused to the anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office in continuation of its commitment to cooperate with the investigation. However, ex-official, in her words, did not get any passports. Again anti-corruption body tried to appeal the decision of Solomensky court, which he did not satisfy him the same request.