Winter starts by raising salaries. What will be the salary to state employees

Winter starts by raising salaries. What will be the salary to state employees
1 December in Ukraine will increase the minimum wage.
1 December in Ukraine will increase the minimum wage – the current c 1450 UAH 1600 UAH. State employees to the wages will be advanced from 83 to 654 UAH, depending on the tariff category.
The smallest allowance 83-84 UAH get a younger nurse (nurse), supervisors, porters, guards, doormen, Elevator operators, cleaners and laborers. University professors to pay to add 400-650 UAH. About it writes “Today”.
Recall from 1 January 2017, the minimum wage in Ukraine, plans to increase twice – up to 3,2 thousand UAH. However, after taxes and fees the amount is reduced to 2.5 thousand UAH.
Meanwhile, the EU will allocate Ukraine EUR 104 million to increase the salaries of civil servants.
The Ministry of social policy of Ukraine