Press conference of Yanukovych and missing journalists. Five things you might oversleep

Press conference of Yanukovych and missing journalists. Five things you might oversleep
© Reuters offers five main events of the night.
Five things you could have slept:
1.Rostov was back in the Central pages of both Russian and Ukrainian media. Announced video interrogation with Yanukovych took place, but the press conference and cork because of their appearance on the streets of Rostov provincial President-the fugitive has organized. However, much of the subject, Yanukovych declined. In particular, he said, plans to return to Ukraine. And accusations of large-scale embezzlement considers nonsense. Read more→
2. The foreign Ministers “channel four” will meet next week in Minsk. This was stated by foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander France Gorin. According to him, the foreign Ministers of France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia will hold a meeting on Tuesday, November 29. Read more→
3. The electoral Commission of Wisconsin received a request for a recount of votes in the US presidential election, which took place on 8 November. A request was submitted to the presidential candidate of the green Party Jill Stein. Stein also calls for a recount in the States of Michigan and Pennsylvania. To begin to count the votes, the initiator of the procedure shall bear the cost of several million dollars. Now I have already collected about 5.3 million dollars – this amount should be enough for clearing in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania. Read more→
4. The Russian defense Ministry handed a note of protest to the military attaché of Ukraine for missile firing which are planned in the Crimea. The Russian defense Ministry called “illegal” the introduction by Ukraine of restrictions on flights over the Black sea. The defense Ministry said that the Kiev’s South-Eastern border of the danger zone “violate the borders of Russia, contrary to the norms of international and Russian law”. Read more→
5. Militants “DNR” said that “expelled” journalists of the Russian TV channel “Rain” Miankova Sergei and Vasily Polonsky-controlled territory. The reasons for the expulsion was “biased and provocative coverage of the situation” in the occupied territories of the Donetsk region. However, the phone Miankova and Polonsky is currently unavailable. Read more→