Request to Putin to send troops and thanks to the sponsors of terrorists: what he was talking about Yanukovych in Rostov

Request to Putin to send troops and thanks to the sponsors of terrorists: what he was talking about Yanukovych in Rostov
© Reuters
Stripped of the title of President was not questioned in court, but gave a press-conference for journalists.
Rostov was back in the Central pages of both Russian and Ukrainian media. Announced videotapes with Yanukovych took place, but the press conference and cork because of their appearance on the streets of Rostov provincial President-the fugitive has organized.
However, much of the subject, Yanukovych declined. In particular, he did not say if he planned to return to Ukraine. And accusations of large-scale embezzlement considers nonsense. We have collected the main thesis is what he was talking about the former President in Rostov.
What Yanukovych has been in Russia
Deprived of the title of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych said that Russia pays much attention to the family. “Younger grandson left without a father, spend time family,” he said, for the first time officially powerdev the death of his youngest son.
Yanukovych added that there is no escape from the people who suffered and left Ukraine because, they say, life there became impossible. He works with these people along with lawyers, courts and so on. “Work takes time”, – Yanukovych told.
Objected that there is money in foreign banks
Yanukovych said that he has money in foreign banks and called them “fabulous”. “In any Bank in the world is not a dime of my money. I have not had any accounts in foreign banks,” – said Yanukovych. He assured that is not exported from Ukraine nothing but personal belongings. “It baggage”, – said Yanukovych.
Why not sign the Association with EU
Yanukovych explained why you don’t sign the agreement on Association with the EU. According to him, they talked not about the agreement on Association with the EU, and the document on free trade zone. According to Yanukovych, this would have resulted in significant losses for the Ukrainian economy, including heavy industry. He announced $ 200 billion dollars, however, did not elaborate on what an unprofitable period in question.
According to the ex-President, Europe was not ready to allocate such an impressive money. He noted that he wanted to return to the discussion of this issue in March 2014. Yanukovych said that the Ukrainian people are just misinformed in this matter.
Viktor Yanukovych caused a fuss in Rostov in connection with his videodrom
TSN. 19:30
25 Nov, 19:56
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Rostov was once again on the Central lines of both Russian and Ukrainian media. Announced videotapes with Yanukovych took place, but the press conference and a tube through his appearance on the streets of the provincial Rostov, the former President organized. An hour before the interrogation started around the building of the Rostov regional court police were on duty at each intersection.
Yanukovych asked Putin to send troops
Yanukovych confirmed the existence of a written petition for the use of Russian troops against the Armed forces of Ukraine. The document was signed on behalf of the President of Ukraine – the title of which Yanukovych was stripped.
According to him, the document was not put into effect. The emergence of this request, Yanukovych explained the emotional reaction to “attack of illegal armed formations on the Donbass” – so he called the actions of the Ukrainian army to restore constitutional order in the territory occupied by Russian-backed separatists. “The desire somehow to protect these people”, – Yanukovych explained his decision.
Attitude to the annexation of the Crimea
Yanukovych said that “separation” of the Crimea is bad.
“I had a conversation with Vladimir Putin. Is it possible to say so, the position as a person, as a Russian citizen and as a patriot. Here what I agree or don’t agree, does not matter… But how I feel about the situation in the Crimea. Well, that Crimea seceded or not? No, not good. I think this is bad,” he said.
To the occupation of Donbass
Viktor Jankovic commented on the cause of the “branch” of the Ukrainian Donbass.
“I have said repeatedly my point of view. I was initially against, to violate the territorial integrity of Ukraine. The separation of Donbass from Ukraine – the emotional rush of people who reacted to the events in Kiev”, – said the fugitive.
Thanks to the sponsors of terrorists in the Donbas
Yanukovych said that not funding the Donbass. He stressed that he had no funds in foreign banks, and funds in Ukraine blocked, so he’s not financing the militants “LNR” and “DNR”. However, Yanukovych thanked those who Finance ORDO in the East of Ukraine.
Called the Russian troops in the Donbas as “volunteers”
Responding to a question about whether in the Donbas Russian military, Yanukovych said from Russia to Ukraine went “volunteers”.
“Ukraine went a lot of volunteers, mercenaries, not only from Russia but from Europe, France, Italy, Balkan countries, and from Russia. Why from Russia more? Because the communication between neighboring regions, they were quite long and family”, – said Yanukovych.
“Especially from the Rostov region, the Kuban, a lot of people came to help loved ones and relatives. As they can be called mercenaries? Volunteers,” – said Yanukovych.
“As for the Russian military. Interest to write off all of Russia is huge. One of the reasons why Ukraine has become a hostage of this policy, and its territory are trying to use to influence Russia to exert pressure on Russia,” he said.
At his press conference, Yanukovych justified “berkutovets”
TSN. 19:30
25 November, 20:00
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conference of Victor Yanukovych began half an hour late and just ended (ongoing). On it the President of the fugitive dodged the question whether he plans to return to Ukraine. Quoting Engels, Yanukovych called “Berkut” suspected in the shooting of people on Maidan, innocent. He promised another press conference – 28 November, once all will be to testify in court and refused to reveal what to talk about.
Whether Yanukovych to return to Ukraine
Yanukovych left from a direct answer to the question of whether to return to Ukraine. But he said that he wants to end the war in the East, though he once asked the head of the Russian Federation to enter armies to Donbass.
“As for my return, I understand politics… what I actually think. In the media write a lot about what I want to get back into power, revenge or something, and so on. What I think or can say dream. I dream that Ukraine would end as quickly as possible voinea. In my homeland in the Donbass. To stop people dying. To Donbass rose from these ruins, in which he led the war,” he said.
The main mistake of Yanukovych
Viktor Yanukovych called his biggest mistake of the Revolution of Dignity. Answering the question of Ukrainian journalist about how he could prevent strictly built the vertical of power, the bloodshed in a few meters from the presidential Administration, wanted for crimes, the former official said that recognize their error.
However, the most significant by its omission he considers the massacre of the people in the center of Kiev, and the lack of courage to apply for a dispersal of Euromaidan army.
“The biggest mistake is not able to sign the order for the invasion and the Declaration of martial law in Ukraine”, – said Yanukovych. Despite the death of the Heavenly Hundred, he is sure that his conscience is clear. “I did not go to the bloodshed”, – said the former owner of the AP.
Failed attempt: questioning of ex-President Viktor Yanukovych postponed
TSN. 16:45
25 Nov, 17:02
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The Pechersky court was trying to depose Yanukovych in the case of the shooting of the Heavenly Hundred as a witness. Defender Yanukovych immediately said a motion to postpone the hearing. In Ukraine, the witness was asked, whether he personally come and testify in the case, but he tried to use air time for political speech.