The crumbs of information after questioning Yanukovych will be used – a representative of the protesters

The crumbs of information after questioning Yanukovych will be used – a representative of the protesters
However, Yanukovych claims not to remember public important information about the execution of bromides.
The representative of the interests of the families of the victims on the Maidan in the case on charges the former employees of special forces “Berkut” in the murder of activists of the Euromaidan Evgenia Zakrevskaya said that during interrogation by videoconference deprived the title of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych, the investigation has provided useful information.
About it writes “Interfax-Ukraine”.
“I believe that the hype surrounding today’s events is exaggerated… But those scraps of information that we have received, will also be used,” said Zakrevsky.
Answering the question whether a result is important information, she replied: “Yes. And also received various confirmation”.
But she recalled that Yanukovych doesn’t even remember when was murder though carefully remember their own flight from the Ukraine.
See also: Relatives of the Heavenly hundred heroes commented on videotapes Yanukovych and gave him wishes
We will note, today, November 28, during a meeting in the case of Euromaidan was questioned via video link deprived the title of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.
We will remind, on Friday, November 25 , held a hearing on the case of execution of participants of Euromaidan, the witness of which is held by Viktor Yanukovych. However, the interrogation did not take place because about 30 activists with flags “Right sector” and the “Free people” blocked the departure of the accused Berkut officers from prison. They held in hand posters with inscriptions “the Killers of hundreds of Heaven in jail”, “Blood of the Heavenly hundred on your hands” and “Killer jail.”
Videotapes Yanukovych is beneficial to him and the official Moscow, and what it is for Ukraine, it is unclear
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 20:21
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This was stated by Vice-President of the Union of advocates of Ukraine Petro Boyko. During this interrogation Yanukovych is not facing the penalty for perjury, so he can say what he wants to show his best side. Also, it can in a comfortable environment to accuse the Ukrainian government.