Develop Ukraine: Ukraine launched a national competition-the selection of managers with ambitions of development of the regions

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Develop Ukraine: Ukraine launched a national competition-the selection of managers with ambitions of development of the regions
Clusters be the engine that attracts wealth to the region.
Kyiv-Mohyla business school [kmbs] in partnership with the international Agency for cluster development Cluster Navigators announces national competition-selection of managers with ambitions of development of the regions. The project aims to promote a large scale development of Ukraine through the creation of clusters.
Managers who:
get a grant to study at the First School for the development of clusters according to the methodology of launching and implementing cluster initiatives.
About clusters
A cluster is a geographic concentration of organizations around a single smart-specialization, which simultaneously compete and cooperate with each other. Chilean wine, Bavarian cars, chairs in the Italian town of Udine, sugar cane in Brazil, clusters, of all places in the world. Today, more than 75 countries have programs to develop clusters.
The company is in the cluster automatically has a more advantageous position than a “business alone”. Economies with strong clusters have higher levels of innovation, high productivity, more entrepreneurship and start-UPS, and most importantly – more exports with high added value. Cluster be the engine that attracts wealth to the region.
Kyiv-Mohyla business school is stepping up its expertise on cluster development in 2012. Kmbs experts studied the world practice of cluster initiatives in the Netherlands, Italy, Switzerland, Estonia, USA, Chile, Brazil, Argentina. Since 2013, the school cooperates with the Agency for cluster development Cluster Navigators, and in 2015 at the invitation of kmbs, Ukraine was visited by its founder and President Fox IFOR-Williams – one of the most influential international experts on cluster development, which has experience of cooperation with more than 1000 clusters in 50 countries.
International experience has shown that a key criterion for the success of cluster initiatives – trained managers who become leaders launch and development of the cluster. Therefore, to establish and maintain positive, long-term and sustainable economic progress, Ukraine needs strong regional “drivers”.
Submit the application and learn more about the project here –
Contact person: Daria Neiuga, the Manager of the School for the development of clusters, [email protected]
[067] 999 80 02
[044] 490 6635.