The baby sleep while eating spaghetti and Instagram girls, grown thin for 40 kg. Trends Network

The baby sleep while eating spaghetti and Instagram girls, grown thin for 40 kg. Trends Network
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Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, 30 November, the web went crazy from the incredible transformation girls Hashi of Surefire, which managed to lose 42 pounds excess weight in 10 months.
Viral was the video with the kid who enjoys pasta and asleep at the same time. Scared users veloekstremaly, which drove along a narrow fence at a height of 200 meters.
Also, the Network has distributed a video with the Japanese artist, who for 3.5 years, painted a huge picture with a pen.