Became known, the new foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation differs from the old

Became known, the new foreign policy concept of the Russian Federation differs from the old
Most of the items remained the same, but some provisions have changed.
December 1 was published a new concept of Russian foreign policy. Its last version, signed in 2013, is repealed. In April, foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov explained the writing of the new concept of the changing international situation.
This writes the “Rain”.
Most of the items remained the same, but some provisions have changed. Signed in 2013, the concept was that the world is reduced “the risk of large-scale war, including nuclear”, which “changed the balance of military power between States and groups of States”. The new concept States that in international relations, raised “power factor” and “existing military-political unions are not able to protect against the full spectrum of modern challenges and threats”.
After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 2014 Russia lost his membership in the “Big eight”, the mention of which disappeared from a new concept. Ukraine is also no longer mentioned as a “priority partner” of Moscow.
If 2013 was proclaimed Russia’s integration in global processes, but this document is nothing like that and this goal is not worth it. The new concept has added a clause stating that “Russia reserves the right to respond to hostile actions, including by strengthening national defence and making a mirror or asymmetrical measures”. As to the Treaty with the United States on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms, Russia is now gives it “important” value, not “priority” as it was in the previous concept.
The new concept is only expressed cautious optimism for improved relations, and this is an important distinction.
In the concluding paragraph of the concept, 2013 was written: “the Implementation of the state of Russia’s foreign policy aims “to create favorable conditions for the realization of the historic choice of the peoples of the Russian Federation in favor of the legal state, democratic society, socially oriented market economy”. From the new concept this item was removed.
See also: NATO is preparing a concept to counter the hybrid war
Recall that Russian President Vladimir Putin intends to develop relations with Ukraine, provided the national interests.
“The Russian Federation is interested in the development of the diverse political, economic, cultural and spiritual connections with Ukraine on the basis of mutual respect, building partnerships subject to their national interests”, – stated in the text of the document.