NACP invited Leshchenko to familiarize myself with the administrative Protocol of a luxury apartment

NACP invited Leshchenko to familiarize myself with the administrative Protocol of a luxury apartment
The Agency expects the policy on the following Monday, 5 December.
The national Agency for prevention of corruption sent to the people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko official invitation to get acquainted with the administrative Protocol that was composed of buying them luxury housing.
About it reported in a press-service of the NACP.
“The code of Ukraine about administrative offenses are not stipulated clearly in the prescribed form or the invitation mechanism of the person in respect of whom the Protocol, to become familiar with it. On public demand Mr Leshchenko, the National Agency for prevention of corruption today, December 2, at 12:00 gave the official invitation to review the materials produced in the name of the Deputy in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine”, – said the head of Department of monitoring of observance of the legislation on conflict of interest and other restrictions to prevent corruption Alexander Pisarenko.
As noted, in NACP expect Leshchenko, accompanied by his counsel on Monday, December 5, 2016, at 9:00.
We will remind, people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko became the owner of a luxury property on Frank street for 7.5 million. The Network has published a copy of the information from the state register of property rights to immovable property, which States that a woman bought an apartment with an area of 192 square meters in August of this year.
The politician explained that the apartment was purchased for part of the savings as co-founder of “Ukrainian truth”, the loan from the founder pack Olena Prytula and money his lover Anastasia topil’s’ke. Leshchenko said that in 2013-2014, he declared the income in the sum more than 100 thousand dollars.
Subsequently, detectives NAB the revealed offense, when found out, who and how helped the people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko to buy 200 square meters of luxury housing in the center of Kiev. In the suddenly appeared another woman, the mother of Deputy. Turned out that she gave her son two million what a woman has ever said. He Leshchenko calls himself clean.