SUPPORT: the Most productive members of BP – Onufryk, Sumar, zagori

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SUPPORT: the Most productive members of BP – Onufryk, Sumar, zagori
99 deputies showed zero performance of legislative work for 2 years.
According to the public monitoring of the activities of the Ukrainian Parliament, the most productive people’s deputies of the Verkhovna Rada for 2 years became Bogdan Onufryk (“MFP”) with an index of 57% productivity (the number of the initiated bills that have become laws), Victoria syumar (people’s front) – 42%, and Gleb zagoriy (“BPP”) with the figure of 38%. This is the website of the Public network OPORA.
At the same time, 99 deputies, despite the considerable number of initiated bills showed zero performance of legislative work for 2 years. Antiliderami were representatives of the Opposition bloc of Natalia Korolevska (none of the 97 bills did not become law), Yuriy Solod (79 inconclusive bills), Dmytro Shpenov (69) and faction Yevhen murayev (90).
In General, a two-year indicators of performance legislative work and legislative abilities of the Verkhovna Rada of the VIII convocation, according to the monitoring, looks a bit better Rada of the VII convocation, however, is inferior to the parliaments of the old convocations.
So, only 11% of bills registered for 2 years, became laws. As in previous convocations, the President and the government more productive in legislative work, in comparison with the deputies. 81% initiated by the President and 29% of government bills became laws. But among the registered members of the bills only every 15th entered into force. In the context of fractions the least productive were the representatives of the Opposition bloc (3,6%) and the highest figure among colleagues showed the deputies from the Radical party (13.8 per cent). However, MPs are no less responsible for the production of current policy and updating the legal field than the Government or the President – with 516 of the laws adopted by the current convocation, 51% was developed by the deputies.