“Attempting revenge”. Suprun and Omeljan refused they are secretaries of state

“Attempting revenge”. Suprun and Omeljan refused they are secretaries of state
Ulyana Suprun, head of the Ministry of health© UNIAN
Ministers do not want to work with employees who were selected during the competition.
The Minister of health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun and the head of Infrastructure Vladimiras opposed the appointment of proposed candidates for the posts of state secretaries.
During the briefing, the head of the Ministry of health stressed that candidates do not fully meet the requirements.
“We have assembled a team of young professional people who work to improve the system. We would like to work together worked with us Secretary of state, which supports these changes, which will be professional to work in our Ministry, when we will continue this work when we’re not. However, candidates, who are now served, not fully meet these requirements”, – quotes LB.ua words Suprun.
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She stressed that the government should change the system of competitive selection of the state secretaries. Supported Suprun, the head of the Ministry of infrastructure.
“It’s not about personal preferences Omelyana or MS Suprun, here it is in values and principles. There is the fact of attempt of revenge,” said he.
Omeljan also gave me an ultimatum and said that will not work with the Secretary of state, which he chose.
“I don’t cling to any position and work for the country only when they can be effective. Therefore, some of us work in this Ministry will not” – said the Minister.
We will remind, the Secretary of state appeared in Ukraine in the framework of public service reform. Secretaries of state will work in each Ministry. They must lead the Ministry staff and to develop mechanisms for implementing the initiatives of the Minister.
The competition for the position of state secretaries of eight ministries were announced by the Cabinet on 11 October 2016.
The contest Commission for senior civil service has already selected the secretaries of state for the Ministry of infrastructure (Andrei Galushka), the Ministry of economic development (Alexei IU), the Ministry of culture (Rostislav Karandaev), the Ministry of information policy (Artem Bidenko), MIA (Alexei Tahta), the Ministry of energy and coal industry (Maxim Nemchinov).