Kirilenko described the plot of his luxury mansion custom

Kirilenko described the plot of his luxury mansion custom
According to the Vice-Prime Minister, against him and his wife started a custom campaign.
Vice Prime Minister Vyacheslav Kirilenko has denied information about luxury real estate, which showed journalists, noting that, against his family started a custom campaign.
He wrote about this in his blog on “Ukrainian truth”.
“About “discovered” by journalists of my property. It cannot be “detected” because no one was hiding: the apartment is declared since 2006, land with 2013, construction in progress this year in e-Declaration as to the fact such objects to declare was not necessary,” he said.
According to Kirilenko, apartment in downtown Kiev was acquired on credit which was paid in hryvnias during 10 years.
“Land and unfinished house, until 2013 belonged to close relatives. In 2013, after an attempt on the part of certain persons raider way to take a site, with a view to discourage raider attacks, a joint decision was made to issue the contract of donation in the name of my wife,” he explained.
Also the Vice Prime Minister noted that the willingness of the house near Kiev “not 90%, according to journalists and a maximum of 50% of walls, roof and Windows, and the last construction work on the site date from the year 2008”, also in the house no one lived.
“The house was conceived as a large family home for several families, all work occurred before the 2008 crisis, part of my family in financing is extremely low. In 2008, all work stopped, the house was not completed due to lack of funds,” added Kirilenko, assuring that never was in this house.
Separately, the official noted that monetary valuation of the property in the story “the Investigation.Info” is also not true and taken “from the ceiling.”
“Another campaign against me and my wife Ekaterina Kirilenko – initiated international team of figures who, for the price you see is the head of NACVA (National Agency for quality assurance in higher education) protege of the infamous Sulima-Tabachnik – such a citizen Khrapaty – submissive by their instructions. Moreover, any”, – he assured.
According to Kirilenko, the use of any methods, including the resuscitation of the threads about the so-called “plagiarism” in the theses of my wife, the persecution of which by individual inadequate personalities have long crossed all ethical boundaries, and bullying for the money.”
Vice Prime Minister reminded that Ekaterina Kirilenko after actually defending his thesis on 15 October 2015 three more times after all the appeals publicly and successfully defended at different Spetsauto and the Certification Board of the MES the text of his work, of which scandal.