The Bank introduces a fee for utilities

The Bank introduces a fee for utilities
Ukrainians will pay a Commission in the new year.
The Bank introduces a fee for utilities.
About it reported in Department of retail business of the Bank, said in the story “Sedanka z 1+1”.
Therefore, since the beginning of the following year for each payment made in the “Oshchadbank”, the Ukrainians will have to pay 3 grivnas. Will not pay them only to those pensioners who have a pension card of the Bank.
Note that “savings” since December 1 had intended to introduce a fee for payment of utility services. Explain that it will cover the cost of operation. At the same time without a fee utilities can be paid through terminals, the Internet or using the services “Mobile banking”.
The Bank introduces a fee for utilities
Snidanok 1+1
Today, 09:07
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The national Bank of Ukraine has established the following exchange rates: the dollar is 25,89 UAH, and the Euro – 27,56 UAH. In the retail banking Department of the Bank said that the Bank introduces a fee for utilities.
Recall President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko urged the leadership of the Bank to reconsider and cancel the decision on the introduction of a fee for payment of utility services. He was sent to the head of the Bank a corresponding letter.