In the apartment where he died of hunger the child, the outfit didn’t call the police

In the apartment where he died of hunger the child, the outfit didn’t call the police
In this house the police were called, but on other occasions.
The patrol police of Ukraine has denied the information circulated that the neighbors called the police outfit in the apartment where he was alone, hungry children. Such information on the eve reported, citing residents of the house authorized the President for children’s rights Mykola Kuleba.
“The information spread by some journalists and citizens, that before the death of the child in a closed apartment there came the cops, which didn’t help, not true. Call the patrol police according to the residence address of children in the last month didn’t arrive!” – said in a statement to the police.
In a press-service of the Ministry added that the challenges in this house was received, but was concerned with theft.
“Reviewed: 11.11.2016 year to date at home was 5 calls. In the night of 5 to 6 Dec – 3: call women that she lost a son, two reports of the doctors of the boy’s death and the hospitalization of girls. On the other days, two reports of theft”, – said the head of the Department of communication GU NP Kiev Oksana Blischik.
6 December it became known that in Kiev, the mother left for 9 days in a closed apartment of two young children. The boy, who was two years old, died from starvation. The girl was in intensive care. At the hearing the mother said “didn’t think they could die“. To the woman threatens till 8 years of imprisonment.
Mother who for 9 days locked in the apartment of two young children, choose a measure of restraint
TSN. Wounds
Today, 13:06
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She is accused of leaving in danger, where one-year-old son was killed, and two year old daughter was in intensive care. For this mother faces up to 8 years behind bars. As it became known TSN, as a two-year Ani, which managed to survive improves. In the near future it will be moved from ICU to the pediatric ward