In Russia in absentia accused of two Ukrainians in the “kidnapping” of the Crimean deserters

In Russia in absentia accused of two Ukrainians in the “kidnapping” of the Crimean deserters
© Reuters
Russian investigators say the conspiracy.
Headquarters of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation is in absentia brought accusation to Ukrainians to Roman Tkachenko and Sergey Pavlenko for allegedly kidnapping Crimean deserters.
About it reports a press-Department service.
Both charged with complicity in the kidnapping of traitors Alexander Baranov Maxim Odintsov. According to the TFR, Tkachenko and Pavlenko served in the armed forces and allegedly entered into a criminal conspiracy with the Ukrainian law enforcers to take out deserters from the occupied Crimea.
See also: “Is treachery.” The first time Putin has commented on detention of the Crimean deserters
“It is established that both the defendant in a criminal case served in the Armed forces of Ukraine. Pavlenko is the head of the automotive warehouse utilities platoon Kharkiv University of air forces named after Ivan Kozhedub Tkachenko – head of the course of distance learning students of the faculty of postgraduate education named University. In 2016, they entered into a criminal conspiracy with representatives of power structures of Ukraine, aimed at the theft of Russian troops, which previously had Ukrainian citizenship and have served in the Armed forces of this country”, – stated in the message.
Russian investigators claim that the Ukrainians had to persuade Odintsov and Baranov to arrive on the territory of mainland Ukraine to receive diplomas. Supposedly they corresponded on social networks.
In the TFR write that when Tkachenko persuaded the deserters to cross the border of the occupied Peninsula, they are immediately “captured” and now they are kept in prison.
On the eve of the SBU said that near the border checkpoint “Chongar” the security forces detained two of the deserters, who during the annexation of the Crimea betrayed the oath and came over to the side of the occupier. According to the Chairman of the security service, Vasyl Hrytsak, the detainees wanted to buy fake documents for admission in Ukrainian University to receive the title of officers of the Russian army. After the RAID, the defense Ministry of Russia accused the Ukrainian side in pakisaji his “war”, although the operational video clearly showsthat the detention took place on Ukrainian territory. Detainees could face up to 15 years in prison on charges of treason.
22 Nov deserters to Alexander Baranov and Maxim Odintsov, who had been detained admingranitse in the Crimea, chose a measure of restraint. The next two months they will spend in custody.
Ukraine is considering the possibility to exchange deserters on political prisoners of the Kremlin
Releases TSN
23 Nov, 08:47
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Ukraine is considering such a possibility after the arrest of the two soldiers, who during the annexation of Crimea sided with Russia. This was stated by the Chairman of SBU Vasiliy Gritsak. Alexander Baranov Maxim Odintsov detained near the checkpoint “Chongar” already chose a measure of restraint – two months in custody. According to the agencies, the Ukrainian traitors tried to buy a fake documents of graduation, to the rank of officers of the Russian army.