Azarov and treasures stolen by hackers Nude photos stars “Game of thrones”. Trends Network

Azarov and treasures stolen by hackers Nude photos stars “Game of thrones”. Trends Network
Stolen photos from page Maisie Williams© reddit
Funny news and news that interest many, watch in our collection.
Team TSN.ia daily will collect for readers of the main trends of social networking – the key discussion topics of users, jokes, funny fotozhaby and most popular videos of the last days.
Today, December 9, was released a full trailer for the new movie “Spider-Man” when the main character of a comic book by Tom Holland was still in high school.
The scandal around the actress Maisie Williams, who plays Arya stark in the popular TV series “Game of thrones”. Hackers stole personal photos of the 19-year-old girl, in which she poses Topless.
TSN.ia turned to rap the words of ex-Prime Minister Mykola Azarov after the exposure in Kiev apartment with treasures.
Also, the popularity gained spectacular video from GoPro skiing in the desert.