The U.S. Senate adopted the document on the global status of the “law of Magnitsky”

The U.S. Senate adopted the document on the global status of the “law of Magnitsky”
© Reuters
The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress approved the expansion of the “Magnitsky act” by an overwhelming majority, 2 Dec.
The U.S. Senate approved the law on extension adopted in 2012 “Magnitsky act” to the whole world.
The relevant amendments were adopted in the framework of approval of the annual act on the National defence is compulsory for the adoption of the document, which defines the policy of the U.S. Department of defense next year, writes DW.
The Magnitsky act provides for visa bans and freezing assets of Russian officials involved in death of lawyer Sergei Magnitsky, who died in a Russian prison in 2009. The law’s proponents have for many years sought to expand its application to the whole world to impose sanctions against corrupt officials in any country of the world.
The house of representatives of the U.S. Congress approved the expansion of the “Magnitsky act” by an overwhelming majority, 2 Dec.
Further fate depends on President Barack Obama, who may either sign it or veto it.
See also: In the US, dismissed the petition on the abolition of the Magnitsky act
The U.S. Congress passed the Magnitsky act in December 2012. The document was directed against persons allegedly involved in the death of Magnitsky in prison in 2009. The list has been those who have been personal limitations. Later, the list was supplemented with the names of people whom the United States suspected of human rights violations.
Sanctions constitute a prohibition on entry and the arrest of the accounts of all persons in U.S. banks.
We will remind that the Russian opposition , Garry Kasparov sees the fight with Russian President Vladimir Putin to “Magnitsky list”.