Closer to European standards. The Venice Commission supported the reform of the constitutional court of Ukraine

Closer to European standards. The Venice Commission supported the reform of the constitutional court of Ukraine
In Ukraine will be a new Institute of constitutional complaint for the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens.
The Venice Commission provides opinions on the conformity of draft laws with European standards, supported the draft Law “On the constitutional court of Ukraine”. About it reports a press-service of administration of the President.
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The Commission in its opinion on the draft law on implementation of amendments to the Constitution of Ukraine noted that this “represents a significant step forward in the implementation of European standards in the constitutional justice”.
“The Commission welcomes the competitive selection of judges, the process of bringing of the oath by the judges directly before the Constitutional court, establishing time boundaries for the selection and appointment of judges, dismissal of judges directly by the Constitutional Court, the exception rules on the dismissal of judges “for breach of oath” and the institution of constitutional complaint”, – reported in the Commission’s decision.
The bill provides for new rules relating to the organization and activities of the SIC and the status of its judges. The reform also foresees the creation of a new institution of the constitutional complaint, as a mechanism of protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens. In addition, the constitutional court will act in the composition of boards, Senates or the Grand chamber.
In the framework of the boards will decide on the opening of the constitutional proceedings, the Senate will consider individual complaints of citizens, as the Grand chamber would deal with questions about the constitutionality of laws of Ukraine, acts of Parliament and official interpretation of the Constitution.
We will remind, earlier in Ukraine launched a judicial reform. In connection with it, to create or abolish a judicial institution instead of the President will now be the Parliament.