NABU made a new suspicion Okhendovsky in the case of “black accounting”, ETC.

NABU made a new suspicion Okhendovsky in the case of “black accounting”, ETC.
In this case it is impossible to hold another economic expertise.
NABOO has gathered enough evidence to declare the head of the CEC Michael Okhendovsky suspicion of illegally obtaining funds from a “black cashbox” of the Party of regions.
To hold in this case another economic expertise, which insist in the Specialized anticorruption Prosecutor’s office (SAP), said the Director of NABU Sytnyk in interview to the newspaper “Mirror of week. Ukraine”.
“Economic assessment is not carried out, was just a testimony in the area of economic expertise on this issue. Prosecutors agreed that in this case is impossible. We do provide the expert,” said Sitnik.
According to Sytnik, detectives obtained evidence is sufficiently compelling even without examination.
See also: Life on a salary, 43 dollars in the Bank and millions wife. Okhendovsky announced the Declaration
“Talk about a complete list of the evidence in the case of man, I will not. But, in my opinion and the opinion of the investigators, the combination of the obtained evidence provides grounds for drawing up and voicing suspicions. So we suspicion it was. Allegedly convinced prosecutors that the evidence for declaring a suspicion is enough, and I hope in the near future the suspect will be agreed”, – said the Director of the NABOO.
Sitnic also said that the NEB has complied with the orders SAP and prepared a new draft of suspicion for one of the defendants in the case “black accounting” of the Party of regions. In turn, the anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office can agree on that before the end of the week.
Earlier it was reported that a Specialized anti-corruption Prosecutor’s office checks the four possible receipt of funds from the “black funds” of the Party of regions, Chairman of the CEC Mikhail Okhendovsky. Then the head of SAP Nazar Golodnitsky stated, provided that in the NAB Viktor Clap the documents we are talking about granting the subject O funds for reimbursement of costs associated with a trip abroad as a member of the CEC.