Onishchenko accused Kononenko in “corrupt acts” on behalf of Poroshenko

Onishchenko accused Kononenko in “corrupt acts” on behalf of Poroshenko
© Kyiv Post
Onishchenko also said that the appointment of the Deputy from BPP Yuriy Lutsenko, the Prosecutor General was worth two million dollars, which was paid to the MPs for the vote.
MP Oleksandr Onishchenko said that the MP from the PPO Igor Kononenko, who is an old friend of the President of Petro Poroshenko gets $ 20. with each ton of coal supplied from the occupied Donbass.
He said this edition of the Kyiv Post.
According to him, the man who in his office was taking a million dollars “pocket money” was also Kononenko.
The MP also repeated edition all of your previous statements that Kononenko participated in the bribery of members of Parliament Poroshenko. Onishchenko noted that allegedly in the process along with him were involved Kononenko and deputies from BPP Igor Granovsky and Sergey Berezenko.
“Granovsky called the charges “nonsense”, and Berezenko did not respond to a request for comments”, – reported in the publication.
Onishchenko also said that the appointment of the Deputy from BPP Yuriy Lutsenko, the Prosecutor General was worth two million dollars, which was paid to the MPs for the vote.
Customer discreditation campaign against ex-Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, which he allegedly spent $ 30 million, Onishchenko also said Kononenko.
We will remind, Onishchenko told the British newspaper The Independent as “stoked” Yatsenyuk and corruption surrounded by Poroshenko. In particular, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine was planned by President Petro Poroshenko. The task was to discredit him in the media, and the constant protests. Media antikamnia lasted 10 months and each month she spent $ 3 million. Corruption surrounded by Poroshenko declared a fugitive of the people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko, the article says the British publication the Independent, says that to check the accuracy of the statements Onishchenko has failed.
Onishchenko also said that gave the dirt on Poroshenko the US intelligence. Supposedly, during the meetings and recorded the conversations on a voice recorder built into a wristwatch.
The leader of Radical party Oleg Lyashko appealed to the NEB and the GPU with the requirement to verify the dirt of people’s Deputy, the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko, the President Petro Poroshenko. “I would like to know what alliances Tymoshenko and gas tycoon Onishchenko. I think the public wants to know what the relationship between President Poroshenko and gas tycoon Onishchenko how much Onishchenko brought Poroshenko the money he made from Poroshenko of money, who are in Parliament got the money, who paid for the vote, and who the perpetrators of this corruption,” – said Lyashko.