The lawyer told Yanukovych, when he returns to Ukraine

The lawyer told Yanukovych, when he returns to Ukraine
© Reuters
The exit of Ukraine in February 2014, Yanukovich was preparing a few attempts.
The ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych will return to Ukraine and give testimony as soon as it is disappear danger.
This was announced by the lawyer Yanukovych Vitaliy Serdyuk in comments to television channel “112 Ukraine”.
“How will disappear the danger for Viktor Yanukovych, he will participate in all judicial sessions,” he said.
Read also: Russia Yanukovych extended the period of temporary asylum. Document
In addition, the lawyer of ex-President said that his client prior to departure from the Ukraine in February 2014, was prepared for several attempts.
He added that as a result of one of them were injured the driver of Yanukovych. Serdyuk also said that a criminal case was opened into the incident, but until the end she brought.
We will remind, on November 28, Yuriy Lutsenko to Svyatoshynsky district court of Kyiv announced that Viktor Yanukovych declared suspect in treason – the content of the suspicion is declared orally, namely, the notice was sent to all known addresses of the former President.
On 9 December, the lawyer of ex-Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych Vitaliy Serdyuk returned to the Prosecutor General of Ukraine a message of suspicion. He said that it was declared in violation of international and Ukrainian legislation.