The consequences of e-Declaration: NABU announced new cases against the deputies

The consequences of e-Declaration: NABU announced new cases against the deputies


All the detectives Bureau according to the analysis of e-returns filed 10 industries.

National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine reported on the investigation of seven criminal proceedings after the verification of electronic declarations.

About it reports a press-Department service.

See also: NACP decided to refer the matter Leshchenko in court, and the Deputy to contact by email

“The two plants was in fact making false and misleading data people’s deputies (article 366-1 of the Criminal code of Ukraine). One for illegal enrichment of the Deputy Chairman of the regional Council (part 3 of article 368-2 of the criminal code of Ukraine – “Illegal enrichment of a person who holds especially responsible position”). Information about four ugolovnye industries in eRDR made on the fact of illicit enrichment and introducing false information in e-Declaration by three judges against two judges Bureau detectives are investigating the crime provided by h. 2. article 368-2 of the criminal code of Ukraine, the third judge, appears in two productions open on the facts of illicit enrichment (part 3 of article 368-2 of the criminal code) and of making false information in the e-Declaration (article 366-1 of the criminal code of Ukraine)”, – stated in the message.

All the detectives Bureau according to the analysis of e-returns filed 10 industries. In November, the Bureau had registered the first three criminal proceedings on the facts of illicit enrichment. Two proceedings were opened against deputies of Ukraine and one representative of the judicial branch.

Previously, the GPU was informed that after the study of e-declarations have established that seven people’s deputies of Ukraine violated the restrictions on combining and overlapping with other activities.

