GPU: Ukraine has returned 22 million UAH in the case of the missile in Brazil

GPU: Ukraine has returned 22 million UAH in the case of the missile in Brazil
© The state fiscal service of Ukraine
The insurance company returned the funds.
The chief military Prosecutor is investigating the case on the fact of embezzlement of public fundsand improper execution of service duties by officials of the State space Agency of Ukraine, state enterprise “Design Bureau “southern” named after N. To. Yangel” and others during the execution of the international programme for the development of a space rocket complex “Cyclone-4” at the Alcantara launch center (Brazil).
It is reported by the GPU.
In particular, in December 2012 foreign insurance companies received more than 22 million UAH of credit funds under state guarantees.
However, the insurance contract is null and void in view of the refusal of Brazil on the implementation of the international Treaty on long-term cooperation on the use of the carrier rocket “Cyclone – 4” at the Alcantara launch center, so the Prosecutor suggested to the state enterprise “Design Bureau “southern” named after N. To. Yangelya” to take appropriate measures.
In the end, the insurance company returned the funds in full.
Pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings proceeds.
See photos: In Khmelnytsky police chiefs plundered the money allocated for the Volunteers
We will remind that the criminal activities of the Director of one of the municipal enterprises of the Zaporozhye region who have systematically plundered the public propertyexposed by the security Service of Ukraine together with the police and prosecutors.
It is reported that in 2013, the official has concluded a number of fictitious contracts allegedly for the supply of building materials for the funds received from the sale of public property. As a result of his criminal actions, the state suffered damage to nearly two and a half million hryvnia.