Poroshenko hopes on Ukraine’s victory in court between “Naftogaz” and “Gazprom”

Poroshenko hopes on Ukraine’s victory in court between “Naftogaz” and “Gazprom”
Petro Poroshenko© UNIAN
The President wants to repeal the “extortionate” contract.
The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko expressed hope that the Stockholm arbitration in the dispute between “Naftogaz of Ukraine” and Russian “Gazprom” will decide in favor of Kiev.
“We expect that in March (2017 – Ed.) Ukraine will win the arbitration in Stockholm”, – quotes “Interfax-Ukraine” words of the head of state.
Read also: After a break of a year Russia and Ukraine will put pressure on each other trumps in the gas confrontation
Poroshenko added that in case of positive for Naftogaz decision can be to cancel the “predatory contract” with Russia.
“It’s proven that “Gazprom” we are supplying gas at inflated prices, lower prices, and will reduce tariffs,” – said the President.
We will remind, the Stockholm arbitration court considers the claim “Naftogaz of Ukraine” to Russian “Gazprom”. The Ukrainian side is trying to seek revision of tariff for transporting gas through the gas transportation system of Europe.
The Chairman of the Board “Naftogaz Ukraine” Andrew KOBOLEV said earlier that if you lose in arbitration to “Gazprom” under the contract of purchase and sale of gas the amount of 38 billion, which requires a Russian company, will be unaffordable for “Naftogaz”.
In the Stockholm arbitration court began hearings on the suit of “Naftogaz of Ukraine” to “Gazprom”
TSN. 16:45
21 Nov, 17:58
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Ukraine is seeking an increase in tariff for transit of Russian gas. The current contract provides that the European should not only be the price of Russian gas, but the price of fuel transit through the Ukrainian gas transportation system to Europe. In Moscow, however, this detail is hard not pay attention and refuse any negotiations on the subject.