The constitutional court took up the language law “Kolesnichenko-Kivalov”

The constitutional court took up the language law “Kolesnichenko-Kivalov”
Experts have heard the witnesses.
The constitutional court began oral hearings on the controversial law “Kolesnichenko-Kivalov”. 57 people’s deputies more than two years ago was asked to accept the document on principles of state language policy unconstitutional because it allows the use of non-Ukrainian language in all regions where minorities are more than 10%, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Experts from two dozen linguistic, and legal Ukrainian universities have provided the court with its findings on the law. Most scientists came to the conclusion that he not only negates the value of the state language, but also highlights the dominance of Russian over other regional. Experts also rightly acknowledged that the law was adopted on impulse, and deputies have not even been able to amend it. “This law brought Russian language is not just in the status of the state, but almost dominant in the Ukrainian space. It does not correspond to the content of the European Charter for regional and territorial languages not consistent with the decision of the European court of human rights, is not consistent with the conclusions of the Venice Commission”, – says the former Minister of justice Serhiy Holovaty.
On 14 December the constitutional court will hear witnesses who will tell you how the language law was adopted in Parliament and led to what in the home. Meanwhile, under the court has already rallied former members of “Freedom”, who do not believe that the court will cancel the law. “We live in a country where we prove the axioms. This is the paradox. So now the country is moving up and down. And what we see in the constitutional court, this law suggests that we live in a system of coordinates is full of illogic,” says Irina fahrion.
The TSN reporter Stanislav Feshchenko
The constitutional court began hearings on the controversial law “Kolesnichenko-Kivalov”
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 22:32
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57 people’s deputies more than two years ago asked to recognize the Law “On principles of state language policy” unconstitutional because it allows the use of non-Ukrainian language in all regions where minorities are more than 10%.