Alex Kush: Talking about nationalization of Banking is obvious speculation

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Alex Kush: Talking about nationalization of Banking is obvious speculation
© Reuters
Today we are witnessing an obvious speculation, the obvious politicization of the issue the activities of a major Ukrainian Bank.
This was stated in an interview with radio “Voice of Capital” the adviser of the President of the Association of Ukrainian banks Alex Kush.
According to him, the situation in PrivatBank almost identical situation in the banking system, which has a certain set of problem areas, areas that are objective and subjective factors of the appearance. “Nothing special or that would have had other banks, PrivatBank is not, in fact, he is in the General conditions of functioning of the banking system,” said Alexei Kusch. In his opinion, when it comes to other large banks, including those with Russian capital, all these issues are resolved fairly quietly, calmly, in quiet offices. And in this case, for some reason, including by the NBU, there are attempts to make a topic with one Bank for almost public discussion.
“I believe that such an approach only hurts the banking system because the banking system each Bank is fragile, which may suffer from ill-conceived, including, psychological or verbal actions on the part of the regulator, – said Alexei Kusch. – Therefore, the issues of any large Bank now need to solve the triangle of interests of the state, investors and owners, to find common ground”.