In Kiev begin to work Christmas bazaars. Prices and eco-trend

In Kiev begin to work Christmas bazaars. Prices and eco-trend
Metre Christmas tree will cost from UAH 100.
In Kiev today, December 15 begin Christmas bazaars. Many Ukrainians adhere to the tradition to install a Christmas tree on the Day of St. Nicholas, so in the next three days, Christmas bazaars will earn in the entire country.
This is stated in the plot program “snidanok z “1+1”.
The current eco-trend – living trees that grow in large pots. Are these 1-1,6 thousand UAH (the tall trees). The tree can be decorated for new year and Christmas holidays, and then in the spring planted in the ground. Note that these trees in pots sell directly in forestry at much lower prices – after the holidays, they can return it back (in separate forest) and get half price. For example, in Transcarpathia so the tree can be purchased for UAH 70-300.
Cut Christmas trees and pine trees, depending on their quality, height and shape, the pomp will cost from 100 UAH to 3 thousand UAH. Do not forget the sellers and an economy variants – pine and fir wreaths and sprigs will cost 20 UAH.
Recall to check the legality of cutting down a Christmas tree online. And instead of the plastic tags on the trees will stick with a special adhesive labels.
In Kiev, opened Christmas bazaars
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:52
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In the mayor’s office has promised that trees sold on hundreds of sites in all districts. The estimated cost of the Christmas tree – 100 hryvnia per square meter. Only Kyiv and region brought more than 20 thousand trees. City officials are asking people to consider that all the trees were marked, and therefore not illegal.