A winter vacation. How will the banking system during the holidays

A winter vacation. How will the banking system during the holidays
Payments will partially limit from 30 Dec.
The banking system, 28 and 29 December will be extended to two hours, and already 30-th limit – banks will be able to transfer funds to 13:00 only in the limits of its legal structure, as well as to the accounts of the NBU and the state Treasury. Between different banks payments to not be.
This schedule established a national Bank.
See also: In Ukraine “burst” another commercial Bank
The rules of the electronic payment system (EPS) NBU and the banking system.
28, 29 December 2016 the system of electronic payments of the NBU will work in extended mode banking day by two hours.
30 December 2016 to 13:00 all Sep participants may make payments in the Sep only between banking institutions subordinate to the same legal entity and payments directed to the NBU and the State Treasury service. National Bank of Ukraine and bodies of the state Treasury can make payments to all participants of Sep. Banking day in the EPAs ends at 15:00.
30 December and 1 January, Saturday and Sunday – weekend.
2 and 9 January 2017 , EPA, e-mail system of the NBU, the NBU Depositary, the System for quantifying certificates of Deposit CERTIFICATES, the System of confirmation of agreements on the interbank currency market of Ukraine the NBU, the system for the purchase and sale of credit resources in national currency on interbank credit market of Ukraine “КредИнфо2” Automated information system “Register of contracts with nonresidents 2” will not work.
3 January 2017 , banks will operate without clients and provide the complex of works associated with the new year. Interbank transfers of funds through BOT this day will not be carried out.
4, 5, 6 and 10 January 2017 EPA and the banking system will work in normal mode.
From 30 December 2016 to 4 January 2017 years inclusive will operate the official rate of hryvnia to foreign currencies and banking metals set by the NBU on 29 December 2016.
The regulator ordered banks to ensure smooth operation of ATMs and uploaded them plenty of cash.
Recall that with the development of electronic technologies become more and more ingenious cyber criminals who steal from Ukrainians through the Internet or the ATMs. However, the most common fraud schemes are well known, so the banks themselves undertook to assist law enforcement with their exposure.